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United States Social Security Administration Adopts Hyperscience for Smarter Document Processing and Automation

August 1 2024

3 min read

Not too long ago, our CEO, Andrew Joiner, penned an article for FedWeek, titled, “The Public Sector: A Leading Light in Responsible Use of AI and Hyperautomation”. The article shines a light on how Governments and public sector organizations are emerging as leaders in technological innovation and advancement and I couldn’t agree more. This growing trend is exemplified by recent AI developments and deployments within the public sector. 

Case in point, today’s announcement highlighting that the United States Social Security Administration (SSA) has awarded a significant contract to Hyperscience, a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology. This contract underscores the SSA’s commitment to modernizing its processes and improving service delivery to millions of Americans. Together with Accenture, Hyperscience will deliver end-to-end back-office intelligent automation services to transform the processing of 250 million retiree and survivors’ benefits documents annually.

To understand the importance of this transformation, it’s essential to grasp the magnitude of the document management challenge the SSA faces. Let’s dig in. 

The Challenge: A Mammoth Task of Document Management

Each year, the SSA handles an enormous volume of documents related to retiree and survivors’ benefits. These documents include birth certificates, W-2 forms, citizenship paperwork, and a whole lot of other paperwork . These documents arrive via email, mail, and fax, creating a complex workflow that demands significant resources to manage. The traditional methods of processing these forms are not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, which can delay benefits distribution and increase administrative costs.

Hyperscience: Pioneering Intelligent Automation

Hyperscience stands at the forefront of AI-driven automation, offering solutions that leverage deep learning and computer vision to transform document processing. Our platform – the Hyperscience Hypercell –  is designed to handle vast quantities of documents with unmatched accuracy and efficiency. This technology is particularly well-suited to meet the SSA’s needs, enabling the agency to streamline its operations and enhance service delivery.

  1. Advanced Data Identification and Extraction: Hyperscience uses sophisticated deep learning models and computer vision techniques to identify and extract data from various document formats. Whether dealing with handwritten notes, printed forms, or scanned images, the platform can accurately capture the necessary information and transcribe it with the highest level of precision.
  2. Seamless Integration with SSA’s Systems: The Hyperscience platform integrates seamlessly with the SSA’s existing electronic folder system. By doing so, it can access, process, and manage documents efficiently, ensuring that data flows smoothly through downstream business processes.
  3. Accelerating Decision-Making: With its ability to rapidly process large volumes of documents, Hyperscience empowers the SSA to expedite decision-making. The platform uses internal enterprise data to intelligently prioritize tasks, ensuring that critical documents are handled promptly.

Transforming SSA’s Document Processing

The deployment of Hyperscience at the SSA marks a significant milestone in the agency’s journey towards modernization. The technology has already proven successful in enhancing the SSA’s document management capabilities, and the new contract will enable even greater advancements.

  1. Increased Processing Speed: By automating document processing, Hyperscience drastically reduces the time required to handle each document. This increase in speed allows the SSA to manage higher volumes of work without delays, ensuring that retirees and survivors receive their benefits in a timely manner.
  2. Enhanced Accuracy: Hyperscience’s use of advanced AI and ML techniques ensures a high level of accuracy in data extraction and transcription. This reduces the likelihood of errors that can lead to processing delays and incorrect benefits distribution.
  3. Cost Control and Efficiency: Automation helps the SSA control costs by reducing the need for extensive manual labor. Resources can be reallocated to more strategic areas, improving overall efficiency and effectiveness.
  4. Scalable Solutions for Growing Demand: The Hyperscience platform is designed to scale with the SSA’s needs. As the volume of documents continues to grow, the technology can keep pace, ensuring that the agency can handle increasing demand without compromising on quality or speed.

A Future-Ready SSA

This contract with Hyperscience represents a bold step towards a future-ready Social Security Administration. By embracing AI and ML technologies, the SSA is addressing current challenges and positioning itself to better serve the American public in the years to come.

Hyperscience’s cutting-edge technology is set to revolutionize the way the SSA processes retiree and survivors’ benefits documents. With advanced automation capabilities, the SSA can expect faster processing times, greater accuracy, and significant cost savings. This partnership highlights the transformative potential of AI and ML in the public sector, paving the way for more efficient and effective government services.